Jon Carey Design Plans Over 1,000 s.f
These plans represent a small sampling of home designs...
Contact me if you have a specific design in mind or would like me to create a home just for you!
Contact me if you have a specific design in mind or would like me to create a home just for you!
Jon Carey, AIBD CPBD
Certified Professional Building Designer #44-480
TDLR Registered Accessibilty Specialist #1216
2955 Dawn Dr., Ste. 104, Georgetown, Texas (512) 863-4058 [email protected]
Member: Texas Institute of Building Design (TIBD), American Institute of Building Design (AIBD) National Council of Building Designer Certification (NCBDC)
Certified Professional Building Designer #44-480
TDLR Registered Accessibilty Specialist #1216
2955 Dawn Dr., Ste. 104, Georgetown, Texas (512) 863-4058 [email protected]
Member: Texas Institute of Building Design (TIBD), American Institute of Building Design (AIBD) National Council of Building Designer Certification (NCBDC)